New R package! rsMove – Remote Sensing for Movement ecology

New R package! rsMove – Remote Sensing for Movement ecology


July 15, 2017

Application of segRaster(). On the left, a probability map. On the right, different colors represent unique regions with p > 0.5.

We are proud to announce that the initial version of rsMove is now available on CRAN. It was developed by Ruben Remelgado and offers utilities to analyze GPS tracking data using remote sensing such as directional and temporal sampling tools. While this package is directed towards animal ecology studies, its functions can be used for other applications involving, e.g., point data analyzes and image classification.

The package is hosted at gitHub and can be found here.

This initiative is part of the Opt4Environment project and was funded by the German Aerospace Center (DLR) on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) with the research grant 50 EE 1403. The movement data we used was provided by the Max Planck institute for Ornithology (MPIo). Click below to reach the involved parties.

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